Mythology (161 Subjects)
The fountain of Oedipus in Thebes (fountain of Agioi Theodoroi).
Lake Avernus in Campania, entrance to Hades according to mythology.
The plain of Eleusis.
Busts of Lycurgus, Solo, Periander and Thales.
Heracles steals the tripod of Delphi and Apollo claims it back.
Iris, Apollo, Artemis and Leto.
Bust of Athena Pallas from Villa Albani, Rome.
Signets showing Artemis, an apoxyomenos athlete (Tydeus), Eros and Athena.
Bust of Zeus from the Vatican museum.
Amazons from the Vatican museum and the frieze of Apollo Epicurius temple in Figaleia.
Niobe and her youngest daughter from the copy of the Niobids complex in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
Bust of Dionysus from the Capitoline Museums, Rome.
The head of the statue of Apollo Belvedere.
Copy of the sculpture of Apollo Sauroctonos from Louvre Museum.
Ancient coins from the Aegean islands.
Ancient coins of the islands of the east Aegean Sea.
Allegory: Time goes by.
Relief showing the death of Protesilaus. Drawing showing the fall of Ellis into the sea, henceforth Hellespont. Coins of the ancient cities around Hellespont.
Cover of Album. Lupa (she-wolf) with Remus and Romulus, engraving based on the painting by Peter Paul Rubens.
Title page. Arion riding a Dolphin.
Hermes statue from Palaiopolis, Andros island (Archeological Museum of Andros.)
Argus building the ship Argo.
Course of the Acheron.
The mouth of the Acheron.
Ulysses and Nausica.
Cape Lefkada.
Composition showing Bellerophontes, ancient vases, capital, a helmet etc.
The Parthenon: Sculptures from the east pediment.
South metopes of the Parthenon: Centaur combating a Lapith.
East frieze of the Parthenon: The giving of the Peplos. Athena with Hephaestus.