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Istanbul (1849 Subjects)

Hagia Sophia in Istanbul: View of the upper gallery from the east.


View of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul from the north-west. On the right the fountain of Sultan Mahmut I.


View of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. On the right the Madrasa  of Mahmut I.


View of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. On the left the Fountain of Sultan Ahment III. In the background the Mosque of Sultan Ahmet I, the Byzantine walls of the city and the Sea of Marmara.


View of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. On the right the street passing in front of the Sublime Porte.


Views of the mausoleums of Sultans Murat III, Selim I, Mehmet III and Mustafa I in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.


Panoramic view of the Seraglio Point from one of the minarets of Hagia Sophia. On the left the University of Abdülmecid. In the background the Mosque of Sultan Ahmet I, the Obelisks of the Hippodrome of Constantinople and the Sea of Marmara. 


Panoramic view of Istanbul from one of the minarets of Hagia Sophia. On the right part of the Topkapi Palace. In the background the mosques of Sultan Suleiman I and Mehmet II.


Panoramic view of the Topkapi Palace from one of the minarets of Hagia Sophia. In the foreground the first courtyard of the palace with Hagia Irene on the left. In the background the Gate of Salutation, the Tower of Justice, the Divan and the imperial kitchens.


Panoramic view of Topkapi Palace from one of the minarets of Hagia Sophia. In the foreground the Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III. In the background Prince islands.


View of the central nave of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, right after its reconstruction by the Fossati brothers in 1847.


View of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, right after its reconstruction by the Fossati brothers in 1847.


Title page. Scenes from the author's trip to the Mediterranean.


Dancing dervishes of the Mevlevi Order, in the Tekes of Pera (Istanbul).


Frontispiece: Odalisques in the Harem.


Title page. Sultan Mahmud II returns to the Palace from the Mosque.


A café on the Bosphorus, somewhere near Üsküdar. In the background the Mihrimah Sultan Mosque.


View of the port of Üsküdar.


View of the port of Istanbul, on the western shores of the Golden Horn. On the left mosque of Sultan Suleiman. On the right the mosque of Sultan Mehmet II. In the background the Kemerburgaz aqueduct.


The Fountain of Sultan Ahmet III. On the left, the Topkapi Palace.


The entrance of the Imperial armoury, at Tophane.


View of the New Mosque in Eminönü.


View of Eminönü. In the foreground the New Mosque. On the left Hagia Sophia, and on the right the mosque of Sultan Suleiman I.


Wealthy Ottoman couple in a street market or bazaar in Istanbul.


View of the Seraglio Point.


View of Istanbul from Surmeli, district north of Ortaköy. In the background the Galata Tower and the mosque of Sultan Suleiman I.


The north-eastern entrance of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. On the right the Soğukçeşme street and part of the walls of Topkapi Palace.


North-eastern view of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. In the background the Mosque of Sultan Ahmet I.


The artillery barracks, at Tophane. Right behind the Nusretiye Mosque, constructed during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II.


View of the port of Tophane. On the right the Ottoman imperial armory. On the left the Mosque of Kılıç Ali Paşa.
