View (3481 Subjects)
Athens from the valley of the Ilissus.
View of Athens from Plato's Academy, near Kolonos.
The Parthenon from the northeast.
The Parthenon and the Erechtheion.
The Parthenon from the east.
Reconstruction of the Horologion of Andronicos Kyrristos or Tower of the Winds.
The Choregic Monument of Thrasyllus.
Stone bema of the Pnyx.
Athens from the north-west - from a sketch by C.R.Cockerell.
Epidaurus and Isthmus of Corinth from Aegina.
The Temple of Olympian Zeus from the Ilissus, based on a drawing by C.R.Cockerell.
Ottoman fountain near Ilissus.
Houses in 19th-century Athens, based on a drawing by C.R.Cockerell.
View near ancient Daphnus.
Village of Kastri, on the site of Delphi.
The valley of Pleistos near Delphi.
Plain of Thebes.
Mount Parnassus, from Delphi.
Mounts of Boeotia, from the bay of Aulis.
The bridge of Euripus from the north.
Grove of olive trees in Boeotia.
Mount Cithaeron and tombs at Platea (Plataies).
Mounts Korombili and Helicon, from the port of Creusis.
Lake Copais, and Katabothra.
Coast of Boeotia with Euboea.
Plain and city of Thebes.