Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
The temple of Ammon, or Siwa Oracle or Temple of Zeus, in Siwa Oasis, Egypt.
The interior of the temple of Ammon, or Siwa Oracle or Temple of Zeus, in Siwa Oasis, Egypt.
View of the triumphal Arch of Orange, France.
The temple of Rome and Augustus at Pula, Croatia.
The Arch of the Sergii at Pula, Croatia.
The triumphal arch of Aunia Meliana in the walls of Zadar, Croatia. The arch became part of the Sea Gate or Gate of Saint Chrysogonus in 1573.
Plan of the remains of the Palace of Diocletian in Split, Croatia.
The Column of Marcian in Istanbul.
The Pillar of Pompey, which was situated at the point where the Bosporus joins the Black Sea.
Reliefs from the base of the Obelisk of Theodosius I, at the Byzantine Hippodrome of Istanbul.
Ottoman capital.
Monumental Roman tomb at Milas, known today as Gümüşkesen.
The temple of Augustus at Milas.
The Parthenon.
Roman ruins in Athens
The Choregic monument of Lysicrates in Athens.
The Tower of the Winds in Athens.
The Gate of Athena Archegetis in the Roman Agora of Athens.
The temple of Hephaestus in Athens.
Inscription from the monument of Philopappus in Athens.
Christ Crucified from the Church of Panagia stin Petra, which was built on the site of the temple of Artemis Agrotera by Ilissus river.
Plan of the columns of the temple of Aphaea on Aegina islands.
The Caryatid from the Lesser Propylaea of the sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis.
The base of the statue of Demeter at Eleusis.
Inscriptions from Delos island.
Inscriptions from Galliboli and Lampsacus.
Inscriptions from Heraclea in Thrace (today Marmaraereğlisi).
Inscriptions from Heraclea in Thrace (today Marmaraereğlisi).
Byzantine inscriptions from Istanbul.
Inscription from Bursa.