Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
View of the acropolis of Mycenae.
The Lion Gate at Mycenae.
Posterior view of the Lions relief over the entrance to the Acropolis of Mycenae (Lion Gate).
The northern (postern) gate of the Acropolis of Mycenae.
The entrance to the Tholos tomb of Mycenae (Treasury of Atreus).
Interior of the Tholos tomb of Mycenae (Treasury of Atreus).
Entrance to shaft grave, Mycenae.
Funerary monument at Orchomenos, known as tomb of Minyas.
Gate of the Acropolis of Orchomenos.
Walls and tower in the Acropolis of Orchomenos.
The Acropolis of Panopeus (Acropolis of Chaeronea) and the plain of Chaeronea.
Ancient wall at the Acropolis of Panopeus (Acropolis of Chaeronea).
Ruins at Gortyna, Arcadia.
Gate at the Acropolis of Gortyna, Arcadia.
Remains of Μycenean tower at Thorikos, Attica.
Little pointed gate at Thoriκos.
Ancient theatre of Thorikos.
Remains of a Doric column, Thorikos.
Ruins of the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, known as Kyra Rini castle.
Ruins of the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, also known as Kyra Rini castle.
Ruins of the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, also known as Kyra Rini castle.
Gate, most probably part of a gallery, at the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, also known as Kyra Rini castle.
Pointed gates, most probably parts of a gallery, at the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, also known as Kyra Rini castle.
Panoramic view of the pointed gates, which were most probably parts of a gallery, at the fortifications of Nea Plevrona, also known as Kyra Rini castle.
Ancient theatre at Nea Plevrona (Kyra Rini castle).
Part of ancient wall at Galaxidi.
Remains of the gate of ancient Myonia, built on the site of modern Agia Efthimia, Phocis.
Ancient wall at Delphi.
Landscape at Delphi.
Funerary monument at Delphi.