Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
Figure from Athenian red-figure vase with trefoil plant. According to tradition, the curling stem of a species of trefoil cpmmon in Greece gave inspiration to the volute seen in Ionic capitals.
Coin of ancient Athens.
Roman sarcophagus of a man named Nedymus, Thebes.
Inscription from a Roman sarcophagus of Thebes. The inscription had already been published by Wheler and Spon; however, Clarke affirms that he is the first to offer a correct transcription.
Ancient votive offerings of terracotta and marble from Thebes.
Woodcut decorative feature, possibly from ancient building.
Interior of the Oracle of Trophonius in Livadeia.
Part of ancient column and column capital.
The “man and dog” Stele of Alxenor or Stele of Orchomenos, today housed in the Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Ancient inscription incorporated in the walls of Panagia Skripou church in Orchomenos.
Ancient inscription incorporated in the walls of Panagia Skripou church in Orchomenos.
Gorgon heads.
The Castalian Spring at Delphi.
Insciption from Delphi. The author claims to have seen the inscription on the back of a seat (cathedra) behind the altar in the Sanctuary.
Sculpted limestone, possibly part of ancient structure, found by the author during his tour of Mount Parnassus.
Ancient funerary monuments at Thermopylae.
Silver coins of ancient Locris (today part of Phthiotis district).
Ancient oil lamp with symbols of god Hermes, from the area of Kavala.
Theatrical scene, possibly from ancient vase.
Silver coins of Macedonia and Thrace.
Burial mound at Develi, eastern Thrace.
Signet from Istanbul: the flight of Aeneas from Troy.
The author's travelling companions study a mummy at a pyramid of Memphis in Egypt.
Ways in which captives are tortured in Egypt.
View of the catacombs of Alexandria.
Rock-cut Persian mausoleum at Çehel-minar near Şiraz, southwestern Iran.
Title page. Archaeological excavations at the temple of Apollo Epicurius in Bassae, conducted by the team of Western European archaeophiles who eventually pillaged all of the reliefs and sculptures of the temple.
Slab with inscription from the temple of Apollo Epicurius in Bassae.
Landscape at Figaleia. In the background, the temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae.
View of the temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae.