Social sphere and everyday life (1744 Subjects)
The numbers used by speakers of all the languages of India alike, for financial and other transactions.
1-2: Golden coins of the Sultanate of Golkonda, India. 3-4: Coins of the kingdom of Visapur, India. 5,6. Coins of the Maharajah of Karnataka, India. 7-8. Coins of the Maharajah of Vellore, India. 9-12. Coins of the Maharajahs of Karnataka and Vellore. 13-17. Coins of the region of Coromandel at the eastern coast of India.
Funerary procession of the king of Tonkin (Vietnam).
Window of typical Russian rural house. Warm stockings worn by the women of Valday province, Russia.
Petrovsky Palace at the entrance of Moscow. The palace was built in the era of Catherine the Great and was the penultimate stopover of Russian emperors in their journey from Saint Petersburg (then capitall of the Russian empire) to Moscow.
Greek merchant from Astrakhan on a visit to Moscow.
Woman from Arsamas in typical costume, Moscow.
Carnival scene at Saint Petersburg.
Portrait of the Archbishop of Moscow in vestments of the Resurrection ceremony.
Wife of affluent Russian merchant in gala dress.
Carriage at the streets of Moscow.
Traditional pipes of Russia.
Footwear common to several countries of the North, especially Scandinavia and Russia.
A carriage transported across river in Russia.
The author's carriage crossing the stepe of Kuban, Russia.
Double canoe widely used by the Cossacks of Don river.
Cossacks of Novocherkassk enjoying their bath in the Don during the flood season.
Tatar of Astrakhan area (Nagoy tribe) travels in traditional vehicle.
Post office at southern Kuban, area inhabited by Tatar tribes, Russia.
Observatory from which the Tatars of Kuban watched the movements of their Kirkassian neighbours. According to the author, in summer a fire was lit in these nests to keep the mosquitoes away.
Tomb and votive offerings from Taman, Russia.
Family of Tatar nomads spends the night at the steppe.
Inn near Kavala.
Mineralogical instuments.
Romani of Banat, historical region of Central Europe (shared between Hungary, Serbia and Romania) washing gold.
Scene at a bath, Istanbul.
Leisure scene at the streets of Istanbul during the Bayram feast.
Muslim funeral in Istanbul.
Festivities at the port of Istanbul, to celebrate the construction of a new ship.
Scene from the Janissaries' revolt against Grand Vizier Ibsir Pasha in 1655. The Sultan receives the Janissaries' claims; at the same the dead body of the Chief Eunuch of the Harem is surrendered to the insurgents through the palace window.