Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
Tomb in Piraeus.
Funerary monument in the shape of a hydria, depicting funerary ceremony. This monument was found at the Roman Agora of Athens.
Funerary monument in the shape of a hydria, depicting funerary ceremony. This monument was found at Kerameikos cemetery in Athens.
Terra cotta figure, with moveable legs and arms, which were put in motion by means of a string. This figure was found at a funerary monument in Piraeus.
Vase, found in the Acropolis of Athens.
Lamp that represents a negro with the flat Aethiopian features, sleeping, and the skin of an animal tied around his shoulders.
Funerary stele from Athens.
Votive stele found near Ilissus river.
Quarries on Mount Pentelikon.
Rough designs of temples, in the style of those painted on the walls of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
The view from Fyli fortress on Mount Parnitha.
Colossal lion at the north-eastern foot of Hymettos.
Statue of Demeter on an islet outside Porto Rafti.
Section of capital from Thorikos near Lavrio.
The ancient theater of Thorikos, near Lavrio.
The Vari Cave, known also as Nympholiptos Cave.
The port of Aegina and the columns of the Temple of Apollo.
Roman coin of Athens.
Silver tetradrachm of Philip V.
North-eastern view of Athens, and the bombardment of the Acropolis by the Venetians in September 1687.
Coin of Alexander the Great.
Coin of Antipater.
Coin of Cassander.
Coin of Antigonus Gonatas.
Coin of Demetrius I Poliorcetes.
Coin of Ptolemy I Soter or Lagides.
Coin of Seleucus I Nicator.
Coin of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
Coin of Philip II.
Coin of Julius Caesar.