Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
Principal portal of the Theatre at Telmessus (today Fethiye).
Plan of the portals of the Theatre at Telmessus (today Fethiye).
Tomb of Helen, Daughter of Jason at Makri (today Fethiye).
Inscription from the Lycian Tombs in Makri (today Fethiye).
Onyx which there is every reason to believe one of the Ptolemies had used as a signet. It contained a very curious monogram, expressing all the letters of the word ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ.
Signets bearing letters of the Phoenician alphabet from Larnaca region.
Inscription in Phoenician on signet found at Larnaca region.
Silver medal found among the ruins of Citium.
Medals of Ace and Sidon.
Byzantine icon found among the ruins of Sepphoris or Diocaesarea (today Tzippori).
The disposition of the Russian army in the battle of Stănileşt during the Pruth campaign (1711). Portrait of the commanders of the troops, Peter I the Great of Russia and Vizier Baltacı Mehmet Pasha. Roman coins discovered in the area,
Antiquities and coins from the area of Cimmerian Bosphorus, possibly from the ancient city of Phanagoria.
Anceint Greek and Roman coins from the museum of Copenhague.
Statue of faun.
Title page.
Male statue.
Inscriptions from Epidaurus.
Statue of senator.
Female statue.
Resolution from Nikopolis.
Female statue.
Bovid statue.
Archaic Kouros. On the bottom it reads: ΠΟΛΥΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕ.
Bust pedestal from Lefkada, with the inscription: ΑΛΚΥΩΝ.
Signet with the head of Athena.
Male and female statues of Roman era from Nikopolis, Epirus.