Natural environment (2424 Subjects)
Table showing depth fluctuations of the Bosporus waters according to the seasons, as measured from an observation point at Galata.
Cape Tainaron.
View of Megara.
Map of the port of Cythera (Kapsali) with the Venetian fortress.
Mount Carmel with the cave of the Prophets and the monastery of Carmel on its summit.
Mount Tabor, Israel.
Mount Sinai and the Monastery of Saint Catherine (A). Mount Moses (D). In the foreground, caravan of Ottoman pilgrims to Mecca.
Landscape at the Arabic peninsula, near the Red Sea. According to the Bible this is where the Springs of Marah were located.
Landscape at the Red Sea.
The fortress of Königstein at the town of Königstein, Saxony, Germany.
The summit of Jungfrau at the Swiss Alps.
1. Diamond belonging to the Mongol king of India. 2. Diamond belonging to the Duke of Tuscany. 3. Rough diamond of 242 carats. The author states that this was the bigger diamond he ever saw at the hands of the merchants of India. 4. Rough diamond bought by the author at Ahmedabad, India. 5. Finished diamond. 6. Rough diamond bought by the author in India. 7,8. Rough and finished diamond, of a total weight of 104 carats. The diamonds were bought by an affluent Danish merchant in the presence of the author.
Types of rough and finished gemstones: diamonds and rubies.
1. Ruby bought by the uncle of the King of the Mongols in India for 90.000 rupees. The ruby was presented to the king on its birthday. 3,4. Rubies belonging to the king of Visapur, India. 5. Ruby belonging to affluent merchant from Varanasi, India. 6. Topaz belonging to the Mongol king of India.
1. Pearl belonging to the king of Persia. According to the author the pearl was bought from an Arab merchant of Katifa in 1633 for 32.000 toman. 2. Pearl belonging to the Mongol king of India. 3. Pearl sold by the author to the governor of Bengal, uncle of the Mongol king of India. 4. Pearls belonging to the Mongol king of India.
The deer from whose glands musk is extracted.
Cobra snake.
Snowflakes, which the author studied thoroughly during his journey from Saint Petersburg to Moscow.
Burial mounds in the Russian steppe.
Ancient tombs on Don river near the Black Sea, Russia.
View of the Cimmerian Bosporus or Strait of Kerch (where the Black Sea joins the Sea of Azov). On the bottom right, Taman volcano, surnamed Prekla (hell) by the locals.
View of Cimmerian Bosporus or Strait of Kerch withn the port of Kerch (anc. Panticapaeum), Crimea. In the background, the coast of Phanagoria, today Taman peninsula, Russia.
Insects of the Crimea.
Promontory near the monastery of Saint George at Chersonesus, Crimea.
Ruins of Greek Orthodox monastery at Chatyr-Dan mountain range near Simferopol, Crimea.
View of Cape Fiolent between Sebastopol and Balaklava, Crimea.
Plant of the genus Salvia, Minth family.
View of Chatyr-Dan mountain range near Simferopol, Crimea.
View of Snake Island at the Black Sea. According to the myth, this is were Thetis took the bodies of Achilles and Patroclus.
View of the village of Marathon.