Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
Plans of two temples and of another building in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
One of the two colossal statues of Amenophis / Amenhotep III in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
Back view of one of the two colossal statues of Amenophis / Amenhotep III in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
The right leg of one of the two colossal statues of Amenophis / Amenhotep III in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
The left leg of one of the two colossal statues of Amenophis / Amenhotep III in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
Plan of Ramesseum, the memorial temple of Ramesses II, in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
The upper part of one of the two sitting statues of Ramses II found at the entrance gate of Ramesseum, the memorial temple of Ramesses II in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
Hieroglyphical representations in Ramesseum, the memorial temple of Ramesses II in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
View of Ramesseum, the memorial temple of Ramesses II in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
Plan of an Egyptian temple, perhaps of the Temple of Menthu in Armant (anc. Hermonthis). Floor plan of another ancient building in the same area.
Floor plans of temples in Esna (anc. Latopolis). View of temple in Esna.
Plan of the temple of Edfu. View and section plan of the great pylon of the temple.
View and plan of carved temples in Gebel el-Silsila in Egypt.
Section plan, view, and floor plan of ancient building in Aswan. Floor plan of a temple on Elephantine island. Statue of Pharaoh. Rock with hieroglyphic inscriptions.
Map of Philae (Amilkia) island and floor plan of the Temple of Isis.
Floor plan and view of a temple on the Philae (Amilkia) islands (C, D). View of the Temple at Kom Ombo (Α). Granite rocks adjacent to Philae island (Β).
Inscriptions from Mount Sinai.
Inscriptions from Mount Sinai. Inscriptions from the base of one of the colossal statues of Amenophis / Amenhotep III in Luxor (anc. Thebes).
Isis statue, which Richard Pococke bought in Cairo and carried away to Great Britain.
Isis statue which Richard Pococke bought in Cairo and carried away to Great Britain.
Statue of Osiris which Richard Pococke bought in Cairo and carried away to Great Britain.
Statue of Osiris, which Richard Pococke bought in Cairo and carried away to Great Britain.
Statue that Richard Pococke bought in Qift (anc. Coptos) and carried away to Great Britain.
Statue of Harpocrates (Hellenistic deity) that belonged to the collection of doctor Richard Mead. Hellenistic signets. Ancient Weaving weights (A, B, C).
Egyptian pillars from Upper Egypt (Karnak, Luxor etc.)
Egyptian pillars from Karkan, Esna, Baalbeit el-Hagar (anc. Busiris), and other locations.
Egyptian capitals from Luxor, Amara, the Temple of Ptolemy IV in Qaw el-Kebir (anc. Antaiopolis), Aswan, Esna and Philae island.
Egyptian cornices and entablatures from temples in Amara (Denderah), Philae and Elephantine islands, eastern Karnak, Aswan, Qift (anc. Coptos), Luxor (anc. Thebes), Qaw el-Kebir (anc. Antaiopolis), Esna, and the labyrinth close to Faiyum (anc. Crocodilopolis -Arsinoe – Ptolemais Euergetis).
Sacred ibis mummies from the necropolis of Saqqara. A: Vase containing the embalmed bird. B, C: Vase after the removal of the seal. D, E, F: Views of the mummy as the shroud is gradually removed. G: Bones and remains of the bird's plumage. Catfish (Bagridae). Fish from lake Moeris.
Egyptian statue in the collection of the Duke of Richmond.