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Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)

View and plan of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. View of Pnyx.


The Choregic monument of Thrasyllus (Panagia Spiliotissa). Plan of the monument.


The Choregic monument of Lysicrates in Athens. Plans of the monument.


The Monument of Philopappus in Athens.


View of Hadrian's Arch in Athens. Plan of the monument. Capitals of Corinthian order from Hadrian's Arch (Α), from Portici near Naples (Β) and Salamis in Cyprus (C). Plan of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens.


View of the Temple  of Artemis Agrotera in Agrae (Panagia stin Petra). Drawing of the epistyle. Plan of the monument. The porch of Aqueduct of Hadrian (Dexameni) in Athens (Β). Plan of the monument. Drawing of the entablature.


The Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos (Tower of the Winds) in Athens. Plan of the monument.


Section of the Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos (Tower of the Winds) in Athens.


View of the Gate of Athena Archegetis (mod. Pazaroporta) in Athens. Drawing of the pilaster, and plan of the monument. 


View and plan of Hadrian's Library in Athens.


The Temple of Hephaestus (Theseion) in Athens. Plan of the monument, together with drawings of its architectural elements.


Foot of bronze statue from Myconos island, which John Montagu Sandwich brought to Great Britain. (Α). Foot of colossal marble statue discovered by R. Pococke in Asia Minor (Β). Bronze statue bought by R. Pococke at the bazaar of Aleppo in Syria (C). Lamp from Qift (anc. Coptus) in Egypt (D).


Bronze lamp from Thessaloniki (Α). Bronze lamp from Aleppo (Β). Mirror's frame (C). Decorative mask from Aleppo (D). Ring from Aleppo (Ε). Statue from Aleppo (F). Signet from Beirut (G). Clay head of the Hellenistic deity Harpocrates from Egypt (Η). Charm from Egypt (Ι). Several charms from Egypt.


Plan of the Mausoleum of Lucius Munatius Plancus in Gaeta, in Italy. Plan of buildings in the ancient city of Augusta Raurica (today Augst) in Switzerland (D, C). Plan of public baths in Rome.


Views of the obelisk standing at the court of San Bartolomeo all'Isola Basilica, which is built upon the Temple of Asclepius on Tiber Island in Rome.


An amphora, probably of the Hellenistic era, found in the city Antium (today Anzio), in Italy. Inscription found in the interior of the vase.


View of the Roman amphitheater in Lucca.


View of the Roman amphitheater in Lucca.


The ruins of the Roman villa of Venulei, near the Lake Massaciuccoli, in Italy.


Colossal statue of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, which is found today in the Archeological Museum of Venice. Coins of the era of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.


Building in the form of ancient temple, in which the statue of Cybele stood, in the villa Grimani in Venice.


Monumental Roman tomb in Igel, Germany (Igel Column).


Roman triumphal arch from the era of Constantine II (4th century CE), named also as Heidentor, in the city of Carnuntum, today Petronell, in Austria.


View and plan of the Temple of Rome and Augustus in Pula, in Croatia.


View of the remaining part of the Temple of Diana in Pula, Croatia, which is today part of the City Hall.


View and plan of the Arch of the Sergii in Pula, Croatia.


Frontispiece: Imaginary representation of the Propylaea of the Acropolis of Athens, together with a topographical map of the Acropolis of Athens and plans of its monuments.


Roman inscription at the Propylaea of the Acropolis of Athens, in between the Beule Gate and the Temple of Athena Nike. The inscription refers to Flavius Septimius Marcellinus, with the sponsorship of whom the Propylaea of the Acropolis were restored (280 C.E.)


Votive inscription from the Theater of Dionysus in Athens.


Ancient inscription from the Temple of Hephaestus (Theseion) in Athens.
