Art and antiquities (4900 Subjects)
A coin of emperor Antoninus Pius. A coin of emperor Germanicus. The drawings were probably based on descriptions of ancient coins rather than made from acctual items.
Rendering of the head of the Sphinx from Giza, Egypt.
A mummy seen by André Thevet in Egypt.
The tomb of Absalom at Cidro valley, Jerusalem. Muslims throw stones at the monument.
View of the Acropolis of Athens.
View of the rock-cut tombs of Makri (ancient Telmessos, today Fethiye), Asia Minor.
View of the ruins of ancient Ephesus.
View of the Acropolis of Athens.
The ruinsof ancient Daulis, with ancient Chaeronea in the background.
View of the oracle of Trophonius, the Catalan castle of Livadeia and the bridge of Herkyna river.
The temple of Poseidon at Sounion.
The Isthmus of Corinth, seen from Acrocorinth.
The Lion Gate, Mycenae.
The ruins of the temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, Peloponnese.
Title page. Ornamented sarcophagus at Epidaurus.
Temple of Jupiter Nemea.
Map of Mycenae, showing the main sights.
Section and Plan of the Treasury of Atreus at Mycenae.
Entrance to the Tholos tomb of Mycenae (Treasury of Atreus).
The interior of the Tholos tomb of Mycenae (Treasury of Atreus)
Inscription from the Acropolis of Larissa, Argos. Drawings of several parts of the walls of the Acropolis of Larissa (Argos) and of the Acropolis of Tiryns. Capital of green marble, Mycenae. Wedge of brass, brass nails from the Treasury, Mycenae. Ornamented red marble in a church near the Treasury at Mycenae, [originally part of the reliefs at the entrance to the Tholos Tomb of Mycenae].
Gate of the Lions, Mycenae.
Gate of the Lions, Mycenae.
Gate of the Lions, Mycenae.
The Postern gate of Mycenae Acropolis.
View of the northeastern (postern) gate of Mycenae.
Cyclopian wall on the S. side of the Citadel of Mycenae. Loop hole or window. Cyclopian wall on the E. side of Tiryns.
Plan of Tiryns, Argolis.
Gallery at the Acropolis of Tiryns, Argolis.