Istanbul (1849 Subjects)
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Istanbul at Pammakaristos Church (today Fethiye Mosque).
The tomb of Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos at Pammakaristos Church (today Fethiye Mosque).
Portraits of the Byzantine Ktitors (sponsors) of Pammakaristos Church (today Fethiye Mosque).
Bakery at the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul.
Α. The Column of Constantine I (Çemberlitaş Sütunu). Β. The Obelisk of Theodosius I at the Hippodrome of Constantinople. C. The Serpent Column at the Hippodrome of Constantinople. D. The Column of Arcadius in Istanbul.
The Sultan's personal garden at the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul.
Aqueduct in Istanbul.
The Yedikule fortress (Heptapyrgion) in Istanbul.
The prison cells of Christian captives, probably at Yedikule fortress (Heptapyrgion) in Istanbul.
The pillar of Pompey at the conjunction of the Bosporus and the Black Sea.
Portrait of Sultan Murad III.
The Sultan's supper.
The imperial stables at Topkapi Palace in Istanbul.
The Sultan rides to the mosque escorted by his guards and other Ottoman officials.
Α. Janissary. Β. Sipahi, member of the Ottoman cavalry.
Α. Sipahi, member of the Ottoman cavalry. Β. Kazasker, chief jidge.
Devsirme child in the service of the Sultan.
A. Archer in the service of the Sultan (Solak). B. Devshirme child. C. Servant of the Sultan.
Execution by gaunching.
Triumphal march.
Ottoman men praying.
Guests to circumcision ceremony.
Festive lamps hanging over mosques during Ramadan.
Celebrations for the Bayram.
Muslim funeral.
Turkish women chatting indoors.
Turkish female costumes.
Turkish female costumes.
Α. Water carrier/seller (Saka). Β-C. Janissaries.