Ottoman officials (373 Subjects)
The march of the Ottoman army across the desert.
Grand admiral of the Ottoman navy Küçük Hüseyin Pasha in official dress.
The Chief White Eunuch of the Ottoman palace (Kapı Ağasi).
The official responsible for preparing the Grand Vizier's smoking pipe (Tütün başı).
The chief commander of the Ottoman artillery (Topçubaşı).
Kazasker, chief judge of the Ottoman empire.
Kazasker, chief judge of the Ottoman empire.
Sergeant of the Ottoman army (Çavuş başı).
Portrait of Ali Pasha.
Costume of the Ottoman Sultan.
Costume of Mufti.
Aga of the Janissary corp.
Captain of the Janissary corp.
Kazaasker, chief judge in the Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman official in his residence.
Beylerbey of Rumeli.
Beylerbey of Anatolia.
The disposition of the Russian and Ottoman troops in the battle of Stănileşt during the Pruth campaign (1711). Ottoman officials conferring in their tent.
The disposition of the Russian army in the battle of Stănileşt during the Pruth campaign (1711). Portrait of the commanders of the troops, Peter I the Great of Russia and Vizier Baltacı Mehmet Pasha. Roman coins discovered in the area,
The German diplomatic Mission sets off to Istanbul accompanied by a group of Janissaries.
The arrival of the German diplomatic mission to Istanbul (1578).
The German diplomatic mission meets with Ottoman officials.
The reception of the German diplomatic mission in Istanbul (1578).
The Ottoman Sultan giving audience to the German diplomats of the 1578 mission.
The Persian diplomatic mission offering its gifts to the Ottoman Sultan in accordance with the protocol.
The Sultan's supper.
The Sultan rides to the mosque escorted by his guards and other Ottoman officials.
Α. Janissary. Β. Sipahi, member of the Ottoman cavalry.
Α. Sipahi, member of the Ottoman cavalry. Β. Kazasker, chief jidge.
A. Archer in the service of the Sultan (Solak). B. Devshirme child. C. Servant of the Sultan.