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Plants (129 Subjects)

Figure from Athenian red-figure vase with trefoil plant. According to tradition, the curling stem of a species of trefoil cpmmon in Greece gave inspiration to the volute seen in Ionic capitals.


Leaves, stems and flowers of small bushes from Isfahan area.


Preparation of palm wine, known as tari in Hindi and as tadi to British colonists, out of coconuts.


1. The mausoleum of Manuel I of Portugal at the Convent of the Order of Christ, Tomar, Portugal. 2. The sarcophagus of Manuel I of Portugal. 3. Water-douching tool used for the cleaning of cannons. 4. Banana tree.


35. Linden tree outside the main entrance to the castle of the Hague. 36. The owner of the inn the author stayed at during his visit to the Hague. 37. Channel at the Rhine Delta, the Hague. 38. Plan of palace on the Rhine, at Hammerstein (today Neuwied), Germany.


Papyrus plants and other flora typical of Sicily.


Aloe plant at the feet of Mount Parnitha.


Tree with fruits at the site of ancient Ambracia near Arta.


Shells and fossils from Croatia.
