Palestine (365 Subjects)
View of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre with the stone which commemorates the spot of the third fall of Christ on the route to Golgotha.
The Aedicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Interior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Calvary chapel in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Chapel of the tombs of Godefroy de Bouillon and Baldwin I of Jerusalem.
The tomb of Adam underneath Calvary in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Chapel of Adam). According to Jewish and Christian tradition, Shem and Melchizedek guided by angels travelled to the spot whre Noah's Ark was, took Adam's body and, guided by angels, buried it at the site of Calvary in Jerusalem.
Columns from the Chapel of Saint Helen in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. According to tradition, the columns weep the death of Christ.
Chapel of the Resurrection where the Holy Fire miracle takes place.
Belltower of church in Jerusalem.
Church of Mary Magdalene, seat of Jerusalem Patriarchate at the time. Church of Saint John the Baptist, first hospital of the Crusaders, after which the order of the Knights Hospitaller was named.
Tower of David in Jerusalem.
Monastery of the Saviour (San Salvatore) of the order of the Franciscans in Jerusalem in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem.
Church on Golgotha Hill.
Cenacle, Crusader church on Mount Zion which commemorates the spot where the Holy Supper took place and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles.
Chapel on Mount Zion where Christ appeared to the Apostles on Pentecost day. Chapel on the site of the Holy Supper.
Kings Solomon's House in Jerusalem.
Cave where the Apostles and Virgin Mary hid after Christ was resurrected, and composed the Credo of the Church.
Acheldamah or Potter’s field in Jerusalem.
Pool of Siloam.
The house where Judas Iscariot stayed in Jerusalem. The spot where Judas hanged himself.
The fountain in which Virgin Mary washed infant Jesus' baby clothes.
The site where James the Less was buried. Tomb of Absalom.
The site where James the Less was buried.
Chapel of Ascension, built on the spot where Christ was ascended to heaven.
Tomb of Saint Mary of Egypt.
The site where Jesus was arrested by the Romans. Kidron Brook in Jerusalem.
Chapel of the Dormition of the Virgin in Jerusalem.
Chapel on the site where the Apostles shrouded Virgin Mary.
Garden of Gethsemane.
Golden Gate in Jerusalem.