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Fayum / anc. Crocodilopolis -Arsinoe – Ptolemais Euergetis (4 Subjects)

View and floor plan of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth mentioned by Herodotus, near ancient Crocodilopolis (today Fayum).


Reliefs from the sacrificial altar and portico of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth mentioned by Herodotus, near ancient Crocodilopolis (today Fayum).


Egyptian cornices and entablatures from temples in Amara (Denderah), Philae and Elephantine islands, eastern Karnak, Aswan, Qift (anc. Coptos), Luxor (anc. Thebes), Qaw el-Kebir (anc. Antaiopolis), Esna, and the labyrinth close to Faiyum (anc. Crocodilopolis -Arsinoe – Ptolemais Euergetis).


Map of Fayum region, Egypt.
