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Biblical figures (9 Subjects)

Genealogy of Christ: Descendants of Shem, son of Noah (Genesis 10: 24-29 etc.). Jerusalem with Solomon's temple.


View of Rhodes. Genealogy of Christ. Genealogy of the Pharaohs of Egypt. Joseph and Potiphar's wife.


Ancient kings and deities connected to Athens: Athena, Apollo, Prometheus, Zeus and others. View of Athens. Genealogy of the Assyrian kings. Genealogy of Christ (Aram, Esrom).


Descendants of Aaron according to the book of Esdras. Carthage. Judges of Israel: Jephthah, Elon, Abdon, Ibzan. Saul. Odysseus and Circe.


Prophets of the Old Testament: Azariah, Elijah, Obadiah, Micah and Jonas. Kings of Israel: Zimri, Amri, Ahab, and Jezabel, Ahaziah, Joram. View of Jericho. Prophet Elijah ascends to heaven.


The Seven Wise Men of Greece: Thales, Solon, Chilon, Periander, Cleobulus, Bias, Pittacus. View of Marseille. Kings of the House of David, from which Jesus might be descended: Amon, Josiah, Jehoahz, Jehoiakim, Jeconiah, Zadekiah.


Kings of Babylon: Mordecai, Nebuchadnezzar. Xerxes. View of Constantinople. Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem.


Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem.


Moses' rock on Mount Sinai.
