Λεύκωμα 1842 – 1885
“The Illustrated London News” adlı Britanya dergisi, Nathaniel Cooke, Herbert Ingram ve Mark Lemon tarafından yayınlanır. İlk sayısı 14 Mayıs 1842 tarihinde çıkan ve dünyanın her tarafından ilk kez haber ve röportajlar aktaran dergi geniş bir okur kitlesine seslenerek o andan itibaren büyük başarı görür. Büyük boy bir baskı olarak çıkan bu derginin getirdiği yenilik, içinde yer alan yazılara ek olarak son derece bakımlı (tahta baskı) gravürlerde yansıtılmış görsel konular içermesiydi. Devrin tanınmış yazar, gazeteci, çizer ve gravürcüleri, daha sonra ise fotoğrafçılar da dergiye katkıda bulunur. 1971 yılına dek haftalık dergi olarak yayınlanan “The Illustrated London News” bu tarihten sonra 1989 yılına dek aylık olur, daha sonra ise üç aylık aralarla çıkmaya devam eder. Nihayet 2003'te geniş okur kitlesine seslenen bir dergi olarak yayınına son verilip sözkonusu kuruluş sadece müşterileri için dergi yayınlamaya devam eder.
Resimli bir dergi olarak “The Illustrated London News” hemen bir rekabet ortamı yaratmış olduğundan dolayı, 19. yüzyıl ortalarından itibaren Britanya ve öteki Avrupa ülkelerinde birçok benzer resimli haber dergileri yayınlanır. Örneğin “The Graphic” adlı haftalık resimli dergi, kaliteli kâğıtta basılmış olarak ve üstün nitelikte tahta baskı gravürler içererek 1869'dan 1932 yılına dek süren bir yayın olur. Burada sözkonusu olan baskı, A. Nikolas (not: vurgu "Ni" hecesinde) adlı Kıbrıslı eski kitap harita ve gravür tüccarının koleksiyonunun bir kısmını içermektedir. Sergilenen eserler arasında, çoğu “The Illustrated London News” ile “The Graphic” dergilerinden alınmış gravürlerle bunlara eşlik eden (ingilizce ve yunanca çevirisi eşliğinde) makaleler olup, konuları 1842 yılından 1885 yılına dek vuku bulmuş siyasal olaylar, savaşlar, toplumsal v.s. olaylardır.
Yunanistan devletine ve yunan ortamına ilişkin konular arasında, kral Otto devri, İyon denizi adalarında İngiliz hakimiyeti ve sözkonusu adaların Yunanistan devleti rejimine geçişi, Tesalya ve Epir ayaklanması, kral I. Georgios'un Yunanistan'a gelişi, Santorini yanardağının patlaması, Girit isyanı ve Arkadi manastırı katliamı, Atina'yı Pire'ye bağlayan ilk demiryolunun yapılışı, Yunanistan meselesiyle ilgili Paris, Berlin ve Ayastefanos'taki uluslararası antlaşmalar, Hios (Sakız) adası depremi, Selânik'teki yabancı konsoloslara karşı işlenen cinayet v.b.
Sözkonusu gravürlerin birçoğu Avrupa ve Amerika'da çıkmış başka kitap ve dergilerde [örneğin Londra'da yunanca dilinde yayınlanan "Vretanikos Astir" (Britanya Yıldızı) (1860-1862) ve Leipzig'de yayınlanan "Esperos" (Akşam/Batı Yıldızı) (1881-1888)] yeniden basılır.
Yazan: İoli Vingopoulou
Λεύκωμα 1842 – 1885 - Islands of the Argo-saronic gulf
H.M.S. "Osborne" passing Aegina. On the hilltop on the right, the temple of Aphaia.
HMS “Osborne”'s barge bearing Alexandra Princes of Wales to Aegina island.
Λεύκωμα 1842 – 1885 - Rest Images
The temple of Zeus Olympian and the Evangelical Church of Athens.
Theodoros Kolokotronis lying in stay at Athens, 17th February 1843.
View of Istanbul. On the left, the mosque of Suleiman I. On the right, Galata Tower.
Cecrops and his daughter Pandrosos: Sculpture complex from the western pediment of the Parthenon.
Slab VI from the northern frieze of the Parthenon: Panathenaea procession.
Slab II from the northern frieze of the Parthenon: Panathenaea procession.
Reconstruction of the eastern pediment of the Parthenon: Birth of goddess Athena.
Reconstruction of the western pediment of the Parthenon: Strife of Athena and Poseidon.
Celebration in the honour of Dimitrios Kallergis at a tavern in London.
State sword presented to Dimitrios Kallergis, prime mover of the revolution of 3rd September 1843.
The monastery of Hagios Gerasimos at the feet of Mount Ainos, Cephalonia.
Exterior and interior view of the Greek church of Christ Saviour at the London Wall.
Cricket match at Spinada, Corfu. In the background, the Old Fortress of Corfu.
View of the Royal Palace of Athens (today Greek Parliament) and surrounding area.
Areos street, Plaka quarter, Athens. On the right, the Library of Hadrian.
Landscape at the south of the town of Corfu, seen from Kanoni (location of the city cannon), 1858.
View of the town of Corfu from Vido islet, 1859. On the hill, the New Fortress of Corfu.
Kings Otto and Amalia visit Alfred Prince of Wales at the British Embassy, Athens. November 1859.
View of the city of Lefkada, 1859. On the left, the Venetian fortress of Santa Maura.
Port of Patras, 1861. On the right, the walls of the city fortress.
Portrait of Dimitrios Voulgaris, who was prime minister of Greece eight times.
Greek residents of London vote for the National Elections at the Greek consulate, 1862.
View of the town of Corfu from the sea, 1862. On the left, the Old Fortress.
View of the town of Corfu from the sea, 1862. On the left, the Old Fortress.
George I of Greece attends the liturgy at the Greek church of Chirst Saviour in London, 1863.
View of the Royal Palace of Athens (today Greek Parliament) and surrounding area, 1863.
Greek women from all over Greece, in traditional costume, 1863.
The National Guard at Athens taking the oath of allegiance to George I, 1863.
Coat of arms of the kingfom of Greece during the reign of George I.
View of Kissamos or Kasteli near Chania, Crete. September 1866.
Roman statue of goddess Athena, discovered at Kissamos, Chania.
Statue of Roman Emperor discovered at the remaining of the ancient theater at Kissamos, Chania.
The Ottoman army attacks the monastery of Arcadi, Crete, November 1866.
The monastery of Arcadi, after the being blown up by the Cretans besieged inside, 1866.
H.M.S. “Ocean” brings provisions to the sufferers of the 1867 earthquake that hit Lesbos island.
The Greek Orthodox chuch of Saint Nicholas in Liverpool, 1869.
Opening of the Greek Orthodox chuch of Saint Nicholas in Liverpool, 869.
The trial of the members of the brigand band of Arvanitakis, perpetrators of the Dilessi murders.
View of Santorini island from the west, 1870. In the background, the village of Oia.
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII of England) leaves the port of Piraeus, 1875.
View of the White Tower and the eastern wall of Thessaloniki, from the Muslim cemetery.
Riot between the Ottoman police and Greek residents of Istanbul, July 1876.
George I and Olga of Greece visit admiral James Drummond, K.C.B, on flagship “Hercules”, 1877.
A drunken man returns to his home the morning after the last night of the Carnival, Athens, 1877.
Portrait of Heinrich Schliemann, 1877. Ancient swastika symbol discovered in Troy.
View of the excavation site of Heinrich Schliemann at Mycenae Acropolis: Funerary monuments.
View of the village of Mycenae. In the background, the acropolis.
The draughtsman of “The Illustrated London News” sketching the Lion Gate of Mycenae.
The excavations of Heinrich Schliemann at the acropolis of Mycenae.
The entrance to the Tholos Tomb of Mycenae or Treasury of Atreus, from the interior of the monument.
Interior of the Tholos Tomb of Mycenae or Treasury of Atreus.
The walls of ancient Tiryns with the entrance to the masonry tunnel.
Part of the ancient walls of Larissa Acropolis in Argos. Plan of the Pyramid of Hellinikon, Argos.
Part of the ancient wall of the acropolis of Nafplio (Acronauplia).
Entrance to the Tholos Tomb of Mycenae, or Treasury of Atreus.
Residents of the village of Mycenae in their home, around the fireplace.
Landscape at the gulf of Corinth. In the distance, Mounts Parnassus and Helicon.
View of ancient Corinth with Acrocorinth and the temple of Apollo.
Great Eastern crisis of 1875-78: Greeks leave the city of Kavarna (today in Bulgaria).
The Greek uprising in Thessaly, 1878. Town and fort of Domokos, at that moment a frontier town.
Greek uprising in Thessaly, 1878: View of Mount Pelion from the gulf of Volos.
Map of the Balkan peninsula after the treaty of San Stefano, 1878.
Wreck of the “Assyrian” on the island of Elafonisi, Crete (1878).
Siege of the village of Kissamos or Kasteli, Crete, during the Cretan Revolution of 1866-1869.
Cretan Revolt (1866-69): Skirmishing in the Cretan mountains.
Greek Orthodox believers of Istanbul return to their homes from church.
Snapshots of the presentation of address to George I of Greece by the City of London Corporation.
View of the Roman aqueduct at Buca, Izmir (valley of Saint Anne).
View of Piraeus from the spot called “seat of Xerxes” on Mount Aigaleo.
The castle of Chios after the devastating earthquake of 1881.
The castle of Chios after the devastating earthquake of 1881.
View of Athens. In the background, on the right, the Greek Parliament.
Portrait of Heinrich Schliemann. Ancient swastika symbol discovered in Troy.
Entrance to the Tholos tomb of Mycenae, or Treasury of Atreus.
The archeological findings of Heinrich Schliemann at Mycenae shown at exhibition in Athens.
Remains at the Thermae of Herodes Atticus, Alexandria Troas.
View of the excavation site of Heinrich Schliemann at Troy, from the east.
View of the excavation site of Heinrich Schliemann at Troy, from the west.
Portrait of A. Mitsas, leading figure of the second battle of Makrynitsa in 1878.
HMS “Osborne”', bearing Alexandra Princess of Wales arrives at the port of Piraeus.
Olga Queen of Greece and Alexandra Princess of Wales watch a theatre play on board HMS “Osborne”.
The British National Aid Society's Hospital at Thessaloniki.
The church of Hagios Therapon at Mytilene, before it took its definitive form.
The Monastery of Saint John the Theologian on Patmos island.
The cave of Cave of Saint John the Theologian, or Cave of the Apocalypse, on Patmos island.
Ruins at the castle of Chios after the devastating earthquake of 1881.
George I of Greece is received by the Mayor of London at Guildhall Library, London.
The Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos or Tower of the Winds in Athens.
Niches for votive offerings at the sancturary of Aphrodite on the Sacred Way, which led to Eleusis.
The British fleet places sea mines off the coastline of Crete (Cretan Revolt of 1889).
George I and Olga of Greece return to their yacht after an evening gala aboard HMS “Serapis”.
Top: Panoramic view of Istanbul from Pera. Bottom: Panoramic view of Pera.